Wednesday 28 January 2015

Are these tapes/book available in Australia?

QUESTION Are these tapes/book available in Australia? 
I have read all the information on your website, and even that has been invaluable to me. I want to fly to New York, but don’t know how I will manage such a long flight, and don’t want to have a melt-down somewhere over the Pacific – miles from home.
Answer: Click here to read answer

Some of the video clips won’t play

QUESTION Great website –

I can’t believe I’ve never found it before!Just one thing – some of the video clips won’t play all the way through and, for a nervous flyer with high levels of anticipatory anxiety (flying on Sunday), the ones of take offs which come to a halt or stutter along until the sound (of the engines) cuts out as the plane has just taken off don’t do much for my confidence!

Answer: Click here to read answer

My fears of flying have become worst and more extreme

QUESTION   I was supposed to fly this morning for a break in Italy with my husband and son.
We checked into a hotel by the airport the night before after forcing myself through my fear to go. I was overcome with extreme fear and panic whilst at the hotel and just had to get out of there –

I returned home unable to board the plane. My fears of flying have become worst and more extreme, I have taken trains and boats to avoid flying. I really need help to overcome this extreme fear so where do I go –

I’ve tried meridan tapping but this has not worked. Any advice to whom I should go to? User Comments: I wonder if you can help- I am not really scared of the mechanics or safety of flying more the claustrophobia and lack of control.
Answer: Click here to read answer

Can I be helped?

My way to get through a flight used to be to get at least 3 double whiskies down me, then I was OK!! I realised this wasn’t a ‘fix’, especially if I had to drive at the arrival point.

So mainly now I just suffer in silence, and personally monitor every small jerk, movement, announcement, or whatever during the flight.

Answer: Click here to read answer

I’m scared of flying

QUESTION Hi Guys, I’m scared of flying, BUT I reckon I’m a bit different to most ‘scared of flying’ people. In that, I must have flown hundreds of flights in my life, everywhere in the world.

I’ve travelled since I was 20 years old on business, and I’m now 55. I’ve been on jumbos, short haul, little twin engine aircraft, all sorts. I’ve seen and been on every type of flight….smooth, bit rough, very rough; missed approaches, go-arounds, even on an emergency landing . But I just cannot get my fear of flying from something I think is illogical, ‘stupid’ into a state where I know nothing’s going to threaten my life whilst I’m up there! I think my problem stems from the fact that I’m a bit of a control freak, ie when I’m driving or whatever, and I need to know that the same people flying me are as committed to ‘driving’ me as safely as I would myself.

Several aspects cause me anguish during a flight. First is turbulence; I’ve been through some very rough turbulence on aircraft before, but I really don’t know what levels the aircraft can take before becoming un-safe. -

Answer: Click here to read answer